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Montmartre in 1 day

Montmartre, a bohemian neighborhood ...

Montmartre is made up of charming ascents and descents. I like to walk around and imagine the time when many artists lived in this unique place within the city. It was in the 19th century that they discovered this picturesque place of beautiful landscapes and cheap rent, which for centuries was a rural village ... Musicians, painters, writers of bohemian life had an immense participation in what is today, Montmartre. As they mostly enjoyed a free, unruly life, sometimes even hedonistic (I'm not being pejorative, huh!), With his arrival, the place began to change ... It was then that bars, cabarets, brothels appeared and ... tourists!

Today, many arrive in Montmartre just to visit the Basilica of the Sacre Coeur (read more on our website: or the traditional Moulin Rouge (http: //www.moulinrouge. fr /), but the place has so much more to offer. And I agree with the proverb that travel is more important than fate. So, I always start the tour slowly, paying attention to the beauty of the way and always trying to get to know some different place. I have the feeling that the arrival is tastier when I enjoy the walk.

Good, ramblings aside, our tour starts when getting off at the Abbesses subway station (line 2). On leaving, you will notice that the entrance of the station is differentiated and one of the most beautiful in Paris. It is a beautiful and well preserved glass and cast iron work from the "Belle Époque" period, designed by the famous French designer Hector Guimard.

Cross and go straight to square "Square Jean Rictus". It is right in front of the station, on Rue la Vieuville. There is the wall of I love you ("le mur des Je t'aime"), which yields beautiful photos.

Muro do Eu Te Amo

Leaving the square by the same entrance gate, climb the street and notice the facade of the Parish Saint-Jean and if there is, enter. I always like to meet the churches!

Follow rue des Abbesses to the award-winning bakery "Le Grenier à Pain", which is at number 38. There I make a snack, have coffee and buy some buns to eat on the way (just thinking about the chocolate croissants I get water in the mouth).

Go down the same street and follow the Passage des Abbesses until you reach the rue des Trois Frères, turning left to get to Place Émile-Goudeau on rue Ravignan. At number 13 of this street, there is the Bateau-Lavoir, which was a "stop" for many artists such as Henri Matisse, Pablo Picasso, Jean Cocteau, Guillaume Apollinaire, Maurice Utrillo and many others. Today is just an interesting showcase, but I like to go there and "feel" the air of the place.

From rue Ravignan, go to the rue d'Orchampt and go up to the end of the street, you will exit at rue Lepic, in front of the mill "Moulin de la Galette" (which inspired the painting "Bal du moulin de la Galette" of Renoir), where there is also the luxurious restaurant of the same mome and the "Moulin du Radet". They are the only two mills left of the many that were in Montmartre.

Hence I suggest you take Rue Girardon and, if you have time, enter the Square Suzanne Buisson, cross through the Place Casadesus to the Alée des Brouillards, taking the rue Girardon again. If you do not have time, just follow Girardon Street and go to Place Dalida.

Follow the rue de l'Abreuvoir until "La Maison Rose", a friendly café-restaurant known for the paintings of Maurice Utrillo and many others.

On the way, I was enchanted by the quiet, tree-lined streets and some beautiful houses ...

On the left you will see a vineyard in the middle of the city, the "Vigne du Clos Montmartre" and entering on the right on the rue Saint-Vincent, the "Le Jardin Sauvage Saint-Vincent", which usually opens to the public from 8:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. on Sundays , from 9am to 7:30 p.m., and may close on windy days ... This garden has original flora, wild plants, and a varied fauna in the city, which helps maintain the biodiversity of the area. Things of Paris ...

Continuing along rue Saint-Vincent, turn right onto rue du Mont-Cenis (I was enchanted by the staircase and took lots of pictures ...).

Go down the stairs and you will exit at rue Cortot, where a few meters away is the Musée de Montmartre ( (worth a visit, the works of art tell the story of Montmartre).

I think that almost all the streets lead to the Basilica, but only to climb, but I'll tell you how I can enjoy it a little bit ... I go back to rue Cordot, turn right on the rue du Mont Cenis, step behind the Sacré-Coeur, by the rue du Chevalier de la Barre and I go to the park of the Turlure. Dali, the view of the Basilica is very beautiful.

Leaving the park, turn left still on rue du Chevalier de la Barre and enter right on rue Paul Albert. Cross the rue Maurice Urtrillo (staircase) to the rue Lamarck and climb the steps of the Basilica. Enjoy the view and visit the church from the inside. It's beautiful, a shame that no interior photos are allowed! (visit our page:

I have not yet said that you may prefer not to climb the stairs and go down to the feet of the funicular basilica, a small tram. You'll save about 200 steps. To tell you the truth, I have never used it, but I find it very interesting, especially since it accepts the subway ticket.

When you leave the Sacér-Coeur by the Parvis du Sacré-Coeur, turn right onto rue du Cardinal Guilbert and enter the rue du Chevalier de la Barre on the left until you reach the rue du Mont-Cenis where you will turn left again. You will pass in front of the cemetery "Cimetière du Calvaire", where a wooden ordeal indicates the highest point of Paris (130 meters).

Follow a little more and you will leave on the famous Place du Tertre, where many artists exhibit their works, others make outdoor caricatures, and in the evening it is a meeting point, since the place is surrounded by bars, cafes and restaurants .

On Sundays, the square becomes more lively and the number of artists exhibiting their works is greater. On the other hand, everything is more popular ...

Some restaurants and cafes are located around the square.

A little further on, on the rue Poulbolt, the Espace Dalí ( is worth a visit! It has the museum dedicated to the artist and the art gallery, which also features works by contemporary artists.

Leaving the Espace Dali, turn right onto rue Norvins, turning around again on Place du Tertre. I think a good way to get off is to take the rue Saint Eleuthere, arriving at the rue du Cardinal du Bois and down the Square Louise Michel until you leave at Place Saint-Pierre, where it begins the rue Stenkerque.

Ah ... a rue Stenkerque ... If you like diverse souvenirs and with great price to gift, this street is "the" place: t-shirts and themed bags, berets, accessories like scarves, bandanas, scarves, key chains, miniatures of Tower, everything cheap! Here is the place in Paris that you will find these trinkets (some beautiful, are you? I came back with a scarf that "lives" on my neck) for the best price .. That's because I did not mention the fabric market, , on Place Saint-Pierre, on rue Charles Nodier (I think it does not give time for 1 day ...)

Just do not fall, please, in the chat of people making bets on the street, calling the tourists ...

After walking down Steinkrke Street, you will be in front of the Anvers subway (line2).

My route stops here, but yours does not have to end because, despite the tiredness, you may want to get to know the region of the famous Moulin Rouge still the same day. If that's your wish, let's go ...


Pigalle remains one of the centers of nightlife in Paris, perhaps the best known, although it has changed considerably since the days when it was considered a decadent area of ​​the city. Although it is a very amorphous place in relation to the architecture, where the modernity mixes with the old buildings without much harmony or planning, it is a region that has its charm.

I'll give you some hiking tips that you can do even on the same day:

✔If you just want to get to know the region near the famous Cabaret Moulin Rouge:

While at Place de Anvers, turn right onto Boulevard de Rochechouart and follow Boulevard de Clichy to the Moulin Rouge. This route, if you do not stop, takes a little more than ten minutes. Is very fast.

Moulin Rouge:

Sex shops and on-site concert venues attract tourists. Do not be scared if someone approaches you by inviting you in the door to meet some night club. At night, mostly, it's a custom.

The Museum of Eroticism (Musee de l'Erotisme) is right next door. 72, Boulevard de Clichy. It stays open at dawn. The museum tells the story of sex through the ages. They say it's worth knowing, even if you're one of those who gets very red with shame (I'm Hehe). Of course it is not advisable for children, right?

If you are attending a show at the Moulin Rouge, you have to book in advance and the outfit is not the same as when you are walking all day. So I suggest you mark another day.

Consider following the rue Lepic and ending your day at Café des Deux Moulins, which is a success due to the movie "The Fabulous Destiny of Amelie Poulin". The authenticity of the place is due to the decoration, but do not go expecting much more ...

✔If you want to meet the dearest street of the moment: a rue des Martyrs:

While on Place de Anvers, turn right onto Boulevard de Rochechouart and turn left onto rue des Martyrs, side where the street number is decreasing. Over there is forming the new exquisite area of ​​the city. It is called the SoPi (South of Pigalle) and attracts more, say, bourgeois bohemians.

The street is a must see for those who enjoy a good taste ... Look what you find there:

🔺9, Rue des Martyrs: La Chambre aux Confitures. All sorts of jellies you can imagine!

🔺At the same number 9 (a shop next to the other): Première Pression: artisan olive oil boutique of Provence, with tasting. It also sells natural olive-based cosmetics.

🔺22, rue des Martyrs: Pâtisserie des Martyrs, the candy shop of Sébastien Gaudard, who was voted the best chef patissier of France in 2012.

🔺46 rue des Martyrs: Rose Bakery (all delicious!)

🔺48, rue de Martyrs: Fromagerie Beillevaire.

🔺72, rue des Martyrs: A ma table shop specializing in tableware and ceramic items.

It is an ordinary neighborhood, which is modernizing. - People, not everything in Paris is pure glamor! - Couples with children stroll in the morning, it is a safe place, counting that you should take care of any tourist site. At night, near the Moulin Rouge, the lighted lights attract attention and the place is always crowded. During the weekend night, as the neighborhood is bohemian even and the show houses and bars stay open late, you come across some "shower singers" down the street. Groups making some little things here and there, mostly young people. C'est la vie!


Montmartre: ride a little train

There is even the option of a ride in trains, especially if you are with children or seniors.

Les Petits trains of Montmartre:

The journey takes about 40 minutes, leaves the Place Blanche, opposite the Moulin Rouge, makes a small stop on the Place du Tertre and returns to the same square, served by Blanche metro station. Pass through the Basilica of Sacre-Coeur, St. Peter's Church, Place du Tertre, Espace Dalí Museum, Saint Vincent Cemetery, Saint-Pierre Market, Anvers and others.

Circulation every day from 10am to 6pm and during the summer until midnight. Check!

Le Montmartrain:

The trip also takes about 40 minutes and leaves from Place Pigalle, making a small stop in front of the Sacre-Coeur (paris du Sacré-Coeur). It passes in various tourist places and is also a great choice.

Circulation every day from 10h to 18h (17h to March), departing every 30 min.

Learn more at:

-If you've been to Paris or prefer a less touristy itinerary or still looking for a different Paris - see our main page- Route Paris - with many images and suggestions.


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