choose a market to visit

If you intend to know the life and the habits of Parisians better, there isn’t a nicer place than “les marchés” – both covered markets or open markets. It is a thorough place, even if you don’t plan to buy anything (difficult!).
Each market, unusual in its way, has something precious that can’t be seen in any large market: unique identity and tradition. Many of them have continued to exist exactly like they once started. Others, trendier, show us that Parisians are connected with what is the best and the healthiest.
Along the diverse offer you find everything: fruits, vegetables, bread, ready food, cheeses, wines, flowers, clothes, crafts, decoration objects and more, a lot more.
The way the products are displayed and organized is a separate asset, like most of the shopwindows overthere. Edible items are fresh and don’t need to be chosen because they have previously been very well selected.
Most smaller producers cheer us with delicious “bits” (what we indulge in!). You can see lines of people in some stalls (in a respectful way, of course).
About us:
Friends for over 30 years, both systems analysts, we have in common the interest in art, photography, literature and history. From this comes our interest in travelling.
Difficulties and even mistakes when planning trips with our families, with our children, with friends, or alone, have resulted in very differents experiences and have given us a baggage that we wish to share with you. We would like to help you to prepare your itinerary according to your personal choices. We know that styles and public always vary. Ah and how ... So we selected quite different options, always showing information and images so that you can choose and prepare your trip!

Lilian Posse and
Giselle Mettrau

Marché aux Fleurs Madeleine

Beside the church – Paroisse de La Madeleine – and famous shops with attractive shops windows, the “aux fleurs” market makes the walk even more pleasant. It is quite small, but the flowers are always fresh and they are very beautiful.

It enchants and doesn’t contrast with the rich neighbourhood. On the contrary, it adds such single and sophisticated beauty, the way the French like.

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La Place de la Madeleine is a synonym for tradition, art, culture and mainly, gastronomy. It is surrounded by restaurants and gourmet shops. Some examples are Fauchon and Hédiard; Ladurée (famous for “the macarons”); a tea house specialized in the brands “Maison” from “Thé Mariage Frères”; a chocolate boutique from Patrick Roger (famous for sculpting amazing works in chocolate); the branch of the well-known “Maison Maille” (Dijon mustards); the “Au Verger de La Madeleine” (specialized in wines). There is still the “Pinacothèque de Paris” (art gallery), the shop with Baccarat glass, beside other gorgeous surprises on the way…
Place de la Madeleine 75008 Paris
Subway - M° Madeleine, line 8,12,14

From Monday to Saturday - 8 a.m. to 7.30 p.m.
Sunday - closed

Marché Daumesnil
This Market stands out because it is the largest one in Paris, having nearly 1.500 metres of beautiful items and some necessary trinkets.
The Market has two sides, one is more sophisticated and dearer, the other is more popular and not so costly. The quality is not lower, don't worry…
There are a lot of sales people and therefore, the prices become competitive. Several local producers assist the customers’ needs to taste (incredible tastings) and take home fresh products from different locations. Clothing and fancy accessories – excellent prices – also make us happy.

Bd de Reuilly 75012 Paris
between - rue de Charenton et place Félix Eboué
Subway - M° Daumesnil, line 6, 8

Tuesdays and Fridays: 7 a.m. to 2.30 p.m.

Marché des Enfants Rouges
Settled in one of the most exciting areas in Paris, the covered food market is also the oldest in the city and has this name because of a Children's Home where the kids wore a red uniform.
The place is simple, colourful and multicultural. Compact restaurants have foreign food besides the typical French cuisine and are extremely attractive, mainly on the weekends.

IMAGES: Marché des Enfants Rouges
39, rue de bretagne 75003 Paris
Subway M° Filles du Calvaire, line 8

From Tuesday to Saturdays: 8 a.m. to 8.30 p.m.
Sundays: 8.30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

You can find everything at Raspail, since the usual (vegetables, greens, fruit, fish, poultry, flowers, bread, cheeses, wines), food made on spot (like the potato tartelette with onions and the cookies which are delicious), clothing, crafts, soups and more … much more…
The outdoor Market between Rennes Street and Cherche-Midi Street works 3 times a week. Traditionally on Tuesdays and Fridays, on Sundays it displays organic products. It is said that on Sundays the market is the most elegant in the city. It is always crowded and has loyal customers. Not rarely do we meet well-known people there. All the business people have the certificate of the organic products they sell.

Marché Raspail

boulevard Raspail 75006 Paris
Subway M° Filles du Calvaire, line 8
Marché Raspail - Tuesdays and Fridays: from 7 a.m. to 2.30 p.m.
Marché biologique Raspail - Sundays: 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Marché d´Aligre

The Market has a long popular tradition and comprises both a covered Market and another in the open air.

Colourful stalls, reasonably-priced products and friendly sellers make the atmosphere cozy.

A lively and cheap open market- Odd Paris

Inside the Beauveau - how the covered market is called, you will find hunting animals, piglets, fish, shellfish… everything very fresh. Cheeses, spices, wines, beers, as well as different bars and restaurants.

In the middle of Place d'Aligre, the flea market is the highlight of the market.
There is also the bar “Le Baron Rouge” that is a unanimous vote of recommendation and can be found in almost all the city guides.

Rue d'Aligre et place d’Aligre 75012 Paris
Subway M° Ledru-Rollin, line 8

Marché decouvert Beauvau (Marché d´Aligre):
Tuesdays to Fridays: 7.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m.
Saturdays and Sundays: 7.30 a.m. to 2.30 p.m.
Marché couvert Beauvau (Marché d´Aligre):
Tuesdays to Fridays: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. to 7.30 p.m.
Saturdays: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 3.30 p.m. to 7.30 p.m.
Sundays: 9 a.m. to 1.30 p.m.
Marché de la Bastille

On Thursdays and Sundays mornings, the Boulevard Richard Lenoir is conquered by the delicious smell of food items from the market. From fresh produce to instant meals, the open-air market impresses by the variety of articles. Fruits, vegetables, greens, oysters, fish, chicken, meat, mushrooms, spices, different types of bread, cheeses, wines, flowers, soaps, clothing, utensils, in fact… almost everything!

It is fun to sit on a bench and see people coming and going, children playing and buskers willing to please and get some money. To top it all, Bastille, one of the most pleasant neighbourhoods in Paris.
Boulevard Richard Lenoir 75011 Paris
Subway M° Richard Lenoir, line 5

Thursdays and Sundays from 7 a.m. to 7.30 p.m.
Marché de La Création Bastille

Devoted to artistic creation in general, The “La Création” has the purpose of encouraging the exchange between the public and artists, once you have the chance to contact the authors closely. Some people are permanent there; others, occasional, and this brings a different view every Saturday. It’s worth visiting it all because of the beauty and originality of items, stylish for different tastes and means.

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Boulevard Richard Lenoir 75011 Paris
Subway M° Richard Lenoir, lines 1, 5, 8

Saturdays: from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Marché aux fleurs Reine Elizabeth II
The flower market located on the Louis Lepine’s Square, Île de la Cité, is, at its least, picturesque.

(Marché aux fleurs et
aux oiseaux)

It is quite true that there are a lot of flower shops around Paris and that in the street markets they are always fresh, beautiful and tempting for those who enjoy; but this market makes a difference, it is special … unique…

Opened in the beginning of the nineteenth century, the metal structure is still the same. Along narrow corridors, between some covered parts and others in the open air, a diversity of flowers, buds, bushes and plants (ornamental, fruitful, carnivores, exotic) embellish the area in colours and scents preciously.
And this is not all. Decorative objects, books, gardening accessories, nice trinkets, all you think is necessary to keep your plants graceful and well-cared. The market is shared on Sundays and birds, also rare ones and some other animals like rodents and fish are present. A large number of cages, seeds, animals’ food besides all kinds of gadgets necessary to help you care for your pet. The market is on the exit of the subway station Cité, very close to the Notre Dame Cathedral.
In June 2014, when the seventieth celebration of “Day D” occurred, the market had its name changed to Marché aux fleurs Reine Elizabeth II in honour of the Queen.

Lots of gifts for our gardens and flowerbeds...
Place Louis Lépine et Quai de la Corse - 75004, Paris
Métro M° Cité, line 4

Marché aux fleurs: every day from 8 a.m. to 7.30 p.m.
Marché aux oiseaux: Sundays from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Marché Président Wilson

It is also known as “Marché du Pont de l’Alma”, and it is the favourite Market for a great number of parisians and also acknowledged by several chefs. Its central location also turns the market a place where different people buy ready food and items for a nice picnic, apart from its tourist attraction. Don’t mind with the queues, common in the area.
It is a complete Market. Fruits, vegetables, every kind of meat, fish and seafood, spreads, spices, grains, olives in different colours and tastes, bread, sweets, a large variety of cheeses, fresh pastas, regional wines, fresh juices, sandwiches, crepes and other dishes to take away or taste in the market. All of it without mentioning tasting bits and pieces… delicious!!!
There are flowers (always there), clothes, hats, jewellery and crafts.
Difficult to describe… The markets in Paris are a way of living and if you have the chance to visit, go ahead! You won’t regret!
As a tourist, it’s better to get early because you can enjoy the products beautifully exposed, the alleys are narrow and the stalls rivalled.
Smile and greet “bonjour”. It cost nothing and you will realize instantly the difference that the magic little word creates.

One of the most famous exclusive suppliers is Joël Thiébault, who comes from a family that plants in a varied way, having greens and vegetables that are almost extinct. He is well-known among the most renowned names in gastronomy for more than 40 years. Thiébault has recently announced his retirement for 2016.

IMAGES: Marché Président Wilson (Marché du Pont de l’Alma)
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Avenue du Président Wilson 75016 Paris
entre rue Debrousse e Place d'Iéna
Métro M° Iéna, ligne 9

Quartas: 7h - 14h30
Sábados: 7h - 15h

Marché couvert Saint-Quentin
It’s interesting to notice the way the French relate themselves to gastronomy. The covered markets are like a refuge, a place for social interaction. Being there, one can feel that the intimacy between consumers and local buyers is true and the place is chosen by dwellers for a pause to chat or have a coffee.
St. Quentin is undoubtedly the largest covered market in Paris. You will find all the necessary ingredients for a perfect meal, excellent bars, restaurants and a shop which is specialized in hand-made beers from different locations in Europe. That’s not all at St. Quentin… cheeses, wines, seasonings, flowers, keyrings… a little of everything.
It’s worth visiting, even if you don’t want to buy anything, the architecture of the building dates back from the nineteenth century and it is one of the last in its kind that has remained active.
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The Saint-Quentin Market, close to Gare du Nord and Gare del’Est, is the most visited by local people.
85 bis, bd magenta 75010 Paris
Métro M° Gare de l'Est, ligne 4,5,7

From Tuesdays to Saturdays: 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Sundays: 8 a.m. to 1.30 p.m.

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