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“Route Paris” is the result of extensive research and years of experience.

Our proposal was born from the desire, which has always accompanied us, to know more than tourist attractions. We wanted to explore the history and customs of each place.


We plan to share information about places we've been, we've certainly indicated and that we hardly ever find, or, if we do, it's very simplified.


The major development, which we are building little by little and will post as it becomes ready, comes from our practice in “assembling” scripts in an easy and objective way. Interesting and different points for those who have a more peculiar taste or have been a few times and want to know something more are also covered.


We intend first to cover the capitals and we will develop topics such as:


- Sights: a compact list. They are the most cited and sought after and some that, despite not being, are unmissable in our opinion.

- Fairs and markets: mainly in Europe, they are rooted in culture and are very successful among the “locals”.

- Outdoor walks, gardens, bridges...

- Nearby places that can be visited in one day, either by train or otherwise, taking advantage of the landscape and getting to know other “stops”.

- Tables that, in a simple and visual way, show what can or cannot be done during the days of the week. That's because there's nothing more unpleasant than planning to visit a place and, when you arrive, discovering it's not open.

- And much, much more...


We consider, in addition to our experience, information from official websites, UNESCO tables, highly regarded and respected guides by public opinion, as well as books, websites, magazines and interviews.


We believe it is important to add photos to the texts so that you can identify with the places. Because the truth is that tastes and audiences always vary.

About the work

English Version: Translation

Marilena Aguilar

Mobile Version: Optimization 

Pedro Posse

All site layout is done by just the two of us. The photos, texts and research are ours.

Our work does not end here. Our idea is to always update information, with news and opinions also brought by you.


Last but not least, we are in this endeavor because we love what we do.


Lilian Posse and Giselle Mettrau



Friends for over 30 years, we have several areas of interest in common, albeit very diverse.





About Us

Our academic background is in the technological area, but along the way, we realized that our fascination is focused on art, photography, literature and history. This is where our enthusiasm for traveling comes from.


The successes, difficulties and even mistakes when planning each trip, added to our research, gave us a background that we wanted to share and led us on this path: helping you to prepare your itinerary according to your personal choices.


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